
Nicole Short
Plastic Free July is here! Are you ready to take the challenge?

Plastic Free July is here! Are you ready to take the challenge?

We're inviting individuals and communities to get involved in Plastic Free July by taking small steps to reduce their reliance on plastic.Each year, millions of Plastic Free July participants from over 190 countries come together to make a significant impact by refusing single-use plastics.In the last five years, an astonishing 10 billion kilograms of household waste has been avoided thanks to these efforts. That’s worth celebrating!By choosing to make small changes, people are contributing to cleaner streets, healthier oceans, beautiful communities, and simply doing the right thing by our planet.And you can too! Take a small step today and get...

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Nicole Short
PATCH Bamboo Bandages are PFAS free

PATCH Bamboo Bandages are PFAS free

PATCH response to PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ found in bandage products Recent new articles have shed light on concerns of PFAS being used in first-aid products such as bandages. Mamavation used an EPA-certified laboratory to independently test for indications of PFAS in 40 bandages and found 26 to contain organic fluorine which is an indicator of forever chemicals known as PFAS. What is PFAS? PFAS chemicals were created to resist stains, heat, oil, water and grease and are used in products like non-stick cookware, textiles and food packaging. In the case of bandages it is believed they are used to make...

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Nicole Short
STRAP Body Tape - The diverse ways it can be used

STRAP Body Tape - The diverse ways it can be used

There are many ways that STRAP Body Tape can be used, not just for injury management.STRAP is a natural and breathable strapping tape made from 100% bamboo fibre - without plastic or latex.Lightweight design for maximum comfort and support, that works for your body and the earth. Suitable for sensitive skin types.Sports tape for prevention - to help reduce muscle fatigue, provide stability, and minimise the risk of injury during physical activities. Sports tape for injuries - to support injured muscles or joints and aid in the healing process. Base Layer for Rigid Tape - You can use it as a base layer...

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Admin Nutricare
NEW Eco First-Aid Kit

NEW Eco First-Aid Kit

Is an Eco First Aid Kit even possible? We set out on a mission to find out. While it can be pretty easy to swap things like straws, coffee cups and plastic cutlery for sustainable alternatives, first aid is a much greater challenge. For many years our customers have built their own first aid kits using our PATCH bamboo strips, but other components were often much harder if not impossible to find as an eco-alternative. We knew we had to work hard to find better solutions. We have spent over a year refining our new Eco First Aid Kit to ensure that all the components inside were sustainable. We have found solutions for plastic free cotton buds, gauze...

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